Group Policy
Group CSR Policy
By meeting
three responsibilities, we are helping to build a robust society and achieve healthy living.
Our Three Responsibilities
Toward our Customers
- We help people to lead rich and healthy lives both mentally and physically by supplying safe products and services of high value.
Toward our Employees and their Families
- We generate jobs, respecting the basic human rights and diversity of our employees. We encourage personal growth and work to enrich the lives of our employees and their families.
Toward Society
- We contribute to the advancement of society and work to raise our corporate value through sound management and operations.
- We act as a responsible member of society in compliance with laws and based on a sense of ethics and morality.
- We carry out business activities with concern for the environment to assure a bountiful world in the future.
- Established: September 2013
- Revised: January 2016