
President's Message

President's Message

The House Foods Group was founded in Osaka in 1913 as Urakami Shoten, an enterprise dealing in herbal medicines. We have inherited the Founding Philosophy of “In every happy home throughout Japan you will find the warm flavor of home cooking, House.” We have always taken on the challenges of the times and created a new food culture.

In 2013, the 100th anniversary of our founding, we established a Group Philosophy of “Through food, we aim to be a good corporate citizen, connecting and collaborating with people to create smiles in their lives,” which represents what we want “to be” as a corporate citizen. The Group Philosophy was established with the “Three Responsibilities” of a corporate citizen in mind: “Responsibility for customers,” “Responsibility for our employees and their families,” and “Responsibility for society.” In order to contribute to a sustainable society in the future, we will continue to make unceasing efforts to transform ourselves into a corporate group that can realize these Three Responsibilities at a higher level.

Today, the world has entered a new post-Covid era. We have long been formulating a three-year Medium-term Business Plan, as a “To Do” action plan to approach our Group Philosophy, “To Be.” In the Eighth Medium-term Business Plan, which started in April 2024, we established the major theme of “Striving to become a high quality company that provides "Healthy Life Through Foods" <Chapter 2> Striving for growth by building a global value chain.” We have set specific priorities and action plans for each of our Three Responsibilities.

For Responsibility for customers, we will accelerate growth of our established three Value Chains (VC), The Spice VC, Functional Ingredients VC, and Soybean VC, to offer “Healthy Lives Through Foods” globally. We will also build an organization capable of making VC optimal decisions.
For Responsibility for our employees and their families, we have set a theme of “Turn diversity into strength” to deepen understanding of others, break down stereotypes about self and organization, and produce innovation. We will turn our Group diversity into a driving force for building a global VC.
For Responsibility for society, we will promote the “Establishment of a recycling-oriented model,” for healthy people and a healthy planet, with the basic approach that the environmental burden generated by our global corporate activities is our corporate responsibility to address.

As a good partner in efforts to achieve shared goals, the House Foods Group will continue to fill its customers, employees, their families and society with smiles through its food products.