
Disclosure Policy

Basic Policy on Information Disclosure

House Foods Group Inc. (hereinafter, the Group) provides accurate information to shareholders and investors in a timely and appropriate manner in order to help them understand, assess and trust the Group properly.

If there is any information on decisions, occurrences and financial results that influences the investment decisions of shareholders and investors, the Group will disclose such information in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, including the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the Timely Disclosure Rules established by the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

In addition, if information does not fall under the above laws and regulations but is deemed necessary for shareholders and investors to understand the Group, we will disclose information promptly and actively considering fairness and continuity.

Method of Disclosing Information

If there is important information that falls under the Timely Disclosure Rules set by the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE), the Group discloses it in accordance with the said rules by registering the information in the TSE’s timely disclosure information system (TDnet) after explaining to the TSE. Then, the Group provides the same information to news organizations and swiftly posts it on its website.

Business Forecasts and Future Prospects

The Group’s plans, future prospects and strategies in disclosed documents, other than those related to past and present facts, are outlooks on its future performance based on its judgments and assumptions made using the information available at the time. Therefore, actual results may differ materially depending on external factors such as various risks, uncertainties, economic conditions and market trends.

Quiet Period

To prevent the leakage of financial information and to ensure fairness, the Group observes a quiet period from the day after the closing date of each period including each quarter until the release of financial results. During this period, the Group refrains from answering questions or making comments about financial results. However, if actual results are expected to differ significantly from projections, the Group will disclose such information in accordance with the Timely Disclosure Rules and other relevant laws and regulations.